Thanks to MixBit, copyright infringement is even funner!

The New York Times reported on Thursday that the creators of Youtube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, have rolled out an alternative to Instagram and Vine, called MixBit.

Unlike Instagram and Vine, MixBit doesn't just allow you to capture content. It allows users to mix and remix their content as well as someone else's content, too. It's all about the remix culture, and there's no reason to think someone will say, snap a few seconds of a movie or music video or snippet of an sports game broadcast on TV which is in fact copyright infringement and mix them together, right? No way! I mean Youtube is a staunch supporter of artist's rights. There's no way the creators of Youtube would allow MixBit to be any less than stellar.

I guess these people didn't read the terms of service very closely.

Be good and play nicely. The Service is only provided for lawful purposes and not for engaging in or promoting illegal activity. Also, don't do things that would harm the Service or make it less enjoyable for others. If something you want to do on the Service violates the Terms or the law, don't do it. Please also see the MixBit Community Guidelines for more information.

From their Community Guidelines:

No copyright infringement
Only add content that you create yourself or are authorized to use. You should never upload music videos, music tracks, clips from TV shows or content from other internet sites without the copyright owners permission. Keep in mind that copyright covers audio as well as video so don't include a soundtrack to your original video unless you have the right to do so. The process for reporting content which is a violation of your copyright is described in the copyright policy. Re-mixing clips from other videos already uploaded to the site is OK and in fact we encourage you to do this!

But just like Youtube, they shift the responsibility with the same "It's not our job to police our own site," mantra. They just cover their butts by posting a stern (tee-hee) warning about Copyright here and then say if the creators have a problem with it, they need to go through six steps to deliver a "notice," which is not the same thing as MixBit actually doing anything about it.

It's only been live for four days and the Terms of Service have been broken multiple times. And that's just with me spending three seconds looking for it. Is there anyone out there who still believes anyone even tangentially affiliated with google is actually pro-copyright at this point?

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No! Oh, it was a rhetorical question?

I predict a thread where people can't understand how filming a screen is infringing. Hang on, I gotta get a popcorn.