There will be no Budweiser ads in super bowl - but this ad will run online.

Budweiser will not be running an in-game Super Bowl ad, this is the the first time in 37 years that the audience will not see Clydesdales or puppies from the brand. 

The Anheuser-Busch InBev beer will use the marketing dollars to support Covid-19 vaccine awareness instead. 

Budweiser will run their Superbowl ad digitally in the week leading up to the superbowl

Rashida Jones is the voice over in the ad, which focuses on how Americans handled the coronavirus pandemic. It shows queues, fire escape singing, Happy Birthday car caravans, Tiktok dancing and a group of health-care workers who were the first to receive the vaccine. 

Anheuser-Busch Inbev also plans to donate a percentage of its advertising airtime for 2021 to the Ad Council and Covid Collaborative’s Vaccine Education Initiative. Budweiser will support its efforts with additional campaigns throughout the year.

Still promoting their beer though, as all Americans who are of legal drinking age can get a free beer if they register at between Jan. 25 and Feb. 7. Tennant's gave away free beer to Scotland in celebration of the pubs reopening, looks like Budweiser took some notes. 

Budweiser is not the only brand sitting out the bowl this year. Pepsi and Coca Cola won't be advertising during the bowl either, however Pepsi will still focus it's efforts on the halftime show. PepsiCo’s other brands, including Mtn Dew and Frito-Lay, are planning on airing commercials during the game.

A 30-second commercial during the football game will cost about $5.5 million this year,  which is only slightly less than 2020′s rate of $5.6 million.

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