Tip Top Trumpet - Togs vs Undies - Simplifying Summer Undies (2006) 0:30 (New Zealand)

So exactly when do togs become undies? When you can't see the water. Repeat after me, togs, togs, togs, undies, togs, togs.

Ad Agency: Colenso BBDO, Auckland Director: James Pilkington Production Co: The Sweetshop CD: Richard Maddocks CW/AD: David Govier and Levi Slavin Agency Producer: Jen Storey DOP: Aaron Morton

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

That was hilarious.

Neo's picture

This ad needs a revival, I swear I saw my roommate unpacking his banana hammocks the other day. NOOOOO!

Dabitch's picture

You should start saying the mantra: Undies, undies, undies, togs!

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

togs togs togs underpants

Dabitch's picture

undies undies undies togs!

Sport's picture

Togs togs togs underpants togs togs