Toyota - Camry Effect - Connections - (2012)

So many things happen in a Camry. Babies are born but apparently not made in there.

Every Camry has a story. And every story has an Effect. What's yours?

This is beautiful. An insight of "everyone has one" made emotional, so "everyone loves one".

Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi LA
Creative Role: Concept, Copy & Creative Direction
Executive Creative Director: Chris Adams, Margaret Keene
Creative Director: Andre Le Masurier
ACD / Copywriter: Matthew Curry
ACD / Art Director: Brad Burke
Art Director: Ricardo Yosy, Erek Vinluan
Designer: Jeremy Little
Copywriters: Jeff Nieberding, Chelsea Dubois, Alex Solarte, Jonathan Pelleg, Matty Poitras
Creative Technology Director: Chris Kief
Director User Experience: Shaun Rance
User Experience Designer: Emily Smith

Development & Digital Production: Resn
Executive Producer: Jonathan Hawke
Producer: Mark Wordsworth
Art Director: Franc Cheetham

3D Production: Qube Konstrukt
Creative Director: Adam Gardiner
Office Manger: Frank Franzese
Art Director: Janine Wurfel

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Wow, great spot!