Toyota Prius - Think Before You Print Campaign "hijacked" the printer button

Here's an interesting "hijack" - in Israel, TBWA\DIGITAL, Tel-Aviv launched a campaign for Toyota Prius, the green-mobile - but it wasn't your granddaddy's banner ad. Instead when the user clicked on "Printable Version" button in all the top 4 websites in Israel, he saw a banner asking him to save paper. If the user declined the printing, he went back to the page he came from and received a "Thank You" banner sporting the Toyota Prius as the green driving alternative as well. You can see the flash in action over at TBWA's website or pop inside (after the jump) and watch a little quicktime movie about it instead.

Ad Agency: TBWA\DIGITAL, Tel-Aviv
Executive Creative Director: Guy Sprukt
Creative Director: Yossi Tzarfati
Art Director: Delia Koren
Copywriter: Yossi Tzarfati
Account Executive: Yariv Bernblum, Renata Shigris

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