Toyota PSA - Kid driving failures (2023) Brazil

Listen up kids, drinking and driving is bad, Mmmkay? You're about as coordinated as an eight year old, and they constantly do rollovers in the tiny plastic Jeeps or fail at taking curves with their three wheelers, Mmmkay?


Oh, and another thing that's bad is editing together a bunch of hilarious viral videos that result only in scraped knees and teary faces to warn about driving drunk which could literally kill people. If you want to slap a tagline on a more effective viral video, use the bodycam of Stephanie Melgoza asking if she can get her car to go to school tomorrow, after the police has informed her that she just ran over and two people.

Ad gency: DAVID São Paulo
CCO : Pancho Cassis, Sylvia Panico
ECD : Edgard Gianesi, Renata Leao
Creative Directors : Luiz Alexandre Musa, Fabio Natan
Art Director : Fabio Natan
Copywriter : Luiz Alexandre Musa
Content : Maike Maio, Laura Cassaro
Account: Tomas Gil, Rodrigo Kozma, Maria Gabriela Ramos, Caroline Oliveira
Producers : Fernanda Peixoto, Ariama Pereira, Ana Beatriz Duarte
Data Intelligence : Mailson Dutra Soares, Bruna Monteiro
Global PR Director : Sandra Azedo
Audio Production : Quiet City Music + Sound
Music : Chris Jordao, Darren Solomon

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