So here's an interesting factoid. In Japan, only 7.5% of husbands clean the bathroom. And yet because most of them are, shall we say, careless when they go to the bathroom, they tend to make more of a mess than the women. So to encourage men to clean up the bathroom, household cleaning brand TOYOTECNO and I&S BBDO rearranged one of the little peeing man fountains to basically, well, have the little peeing man clean up after himself with a message that translates: Gentlemen...if you stand up...clean up!
Client: Toyotecno
Agency: I&S BBDO
Senior Creative Director: Shinichi Ikeda
Creative Director / Art Director: Takahiro Sakai
Agency Producer: Hironobu Taniguchi
Producers: Tomoaki Watanabe, Noriyuki Yasumitsu
Production Design: Naga Ishii