Tropicana smoothie - Fireworks campaign

DDB London has created this campaign for the new Tropicana smoothies - translating I suppose a "taste explosion" into actual firework like explosions. Kind of neat looking, however I'm nost so sure about the package design where fruits make up flowers. Pretty, sure, but I'm not so keen on drinking flowers. Are you?

TV advert under the image link on the left, 94-sheet billboard and busposters inside.

Shinichi Maruyama, Photographer
Jeremy Craigen, Executive Creative Director
Grant Parker, Head of Art
Miguel Gonzalez, Art Director
Pablo Arellano, Copywriter
Account handlers: Anna Hopwood, Ben Scoggins, Ildut Loarer

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alex's picture

Quite cool, although I agree that the packaging is a bit odd. It looks like shampoo or something.

RLDavies's picture

The packaging works well on the shelf, where it stands out nicely against the other brands in the fridge. (And where there's no shampoo in sight!)

Tropicana's been offering a two-for-one introductory deal, so we've tried a couple. The verdict: it's perfectly OK, but much the same as any other decent-quality smoothie, and far from original in the choice of flavours. They're obviously playing it really safe and launching a basic range of three or four traditional favourites.

It seems like a case of too little, too late to be climbing onto the smoothie bandwagon now. Innocent and PJ's already have the market sewn up between them, and Innocent is always bringing out new and interesting flavour combinations (including limited editions to suit each season of the year). Tropicana is going to have a struggle on its hands to find a place for itself, especially since the brand name doesn't carry as much clout in the UK as in the USA.