Trump 2020 - Pelosi "let them eat ice-cream" (2020) :90 (USA)

Political advertising is its own genre and is very different in different countries. While the Social democrats in Sweden may have hired famed director Roy Andersson at times, in the USA you can have ads comparing a coroner to Dr Frankenstein as attack campaigns can get vicious. In this just-released ad for Trump 2020 in the USA, the attack on Nancy Peliso basically compares her to Marie Antoinette, as she cheerfully showed off her $24,000 freezer stocked full of chocolate ice-cream in an interview, while millions of Americans have been laid off due to quarantine orders. The stark contrast between politician's well-stocked abode with the voters who are running out of food as they live paycheck to paycheck is quite jarring - and very timely right now in the US. It's a lot stronger than "feel the Bern" walking with Obama ad was, and that was quite timely as well. 

Client: Trump 2020

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