Universal Orlando - Peyton Manning: Vacation Quarterback (2018) :90 (USA)

Peyton Manning is the vacation quarterback, pep-talking a family through the hurdles of scary rides where "fear is not an option", has his churros stolen via "interception" and everyone freaking out when they should have kept their game face on. The ad successfully showcases fun stuff to do at Universal Orlando, in a family-friendly way. I would have liked the small print to read "Payton Manning not available as Vacation Quarterback for your family" in that dry legalese as an easter egg.

Agency: In-house
Executive Creative Director: Troy Scillian

Production Company: MovingParts Inc.
Director: Ira Rosensweig
Head Writer: Jim Sykora
Executive Producers: Matt Van Buren, Chad Cooperman
Producer: Maureen Tunney
Director of Photography: Benji Bakshi
Editor: Ira Rosensweig
Assistant Editor: Kyle Daily

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