An update on "the biggest drawing in the world"

Erik who was rocking our hall of fame last week with 12620 hits on The biggest drawing in the world: One part GPS, one part DHL, add creativity and stir gently now clarifies in bright red text on the biggest drawing in the world: "This is my graduation project on advertising and graphic design at Beckmans college of design. This is fictional work. DHL did not transport the GPS at any time"

So, that's settles then. A graduation project doesn't actually need to have been made in full, but I knew you adgrunts knew that anyway.

See also: Telegraph: 'Biggest drawing in world' revealed as hoax

A spokeswoman said they had allowed him to film in their Stockholm warehouse as part of a college project, on the understanding that the work went no further than his art school. The GPS package was never sent around the world.
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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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argantil's picture

Well then.

I guess for extra credits, he should have made the drawing match more realistically to DHL's hubs. This is what a real adgrunt would have had to do.

Still, with all that footage of him flying, it's a fantastic stunt, and the original idea is not bad at all.