VH1 - “If You Like” / Boobs with fake boobs - (2010)

If you like Miguel, the overrated latino lover, text "ILIKE299004", if you like the boob with fake boobs, text "ILIKE299007"

Yes indeed, call-in voting has become really popular on all sorts of prime-time, network TV programming. So VH1 decided to get in on the action, in their own special way. Now text away!

ECD: Guillermo Vega/Scott Vitrone/Ian Reichenthal

Art Director: Menno Kluin/Guillermo Vega

VP Creative Director MTV: Sean Saylor
Creative Director MTV: Juan Frontini

Copywriter: Icaro Doria
Title Design: Mihail Aleksandrov
Exec Directors Content Production: Lora Schulson/Nathy Aviram
Producers: Lora Schulson / Jo Kelly
Music Supervisor: Eric David Johnson
Production Company: Hungry Man
Director: Bryan Buckley
Director of Photography Rolf Kesterman
Executive producer Kevin Byrne
Line Producer Mino Jarjoura
Editing House: Final Cut
Editor: Carlos Arias
Producer Laura Patterson
Music House: Tone Farmer
Producer: Christina Tortorelli
Visual Effects: Absolute Post
Lead Flame Artist: James “Krispy” Cornwell
Nuke: JD Yepes
Combustion: Warren Paleos, Betty Cameron
Executive Producer: Sally Heath
Producer: Lisa Greenleaf
3D Design: 3Delivery
VFX supervisor: Gustavo Aversente
Animation Director: Esteban Barisani
Telecine: Jamie Wilkinson at The Mill
Sound Design: Tone Farmer
Sound Designer Jared Hunter
Audio Mix: Sound Lounge
Mixer: Evan Mangiamele / Phillip Loeb
VO Casting: Phantom Audio

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