Vrbo - "A place for together" (2022) :60 (USA)

We arrive at a palatially large gorgeous house, as the sullen teenage boy pulls up his window while his preteen relatives run toward the car. "Michael, they're your cousins," mom remarks as the camera carries us into this house to see more.

Inside we see another family carrying bags upstairs, and to the left a group of folk singers enjoying a jamming session. As we continue through the enormous house Kermit the frog sings "right where I belong", we see groups of college kids gossiping, LGBTQ crew partying, then switching to parents with babies, couples finding each other again, and mid-twenties professionals having get-togethers. We fly over to the pool to see stereotypical Hollywood "mafia" like Italians enjoy an ice cream before karaoke, and the message is very clear. Whomever you call family, you can enjoy a getaway with them via VRBO. 

Whether Michael managed to keep his baby cousins amused and off his back that weekend is anyone's guess, but considering how huge that house is, he might have been able to find a quiet spot just to doomscroll, and I honestly appreciate the variation of family groupings depicted here. A group of friends, relatives, college pals, bridal parties, and even those annoying younger cousins are all families. 

Music: "Somewhere I Belong" 

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