VW pulls "jumper" ad

VW gas gun We've come a long way baby. The VW Jumper ad (inside for those who haven't seen it yet) created by Crispin Porter + Bogusky in Miami has been pulled after complaints from several groups among them Suicide Prevention Action Network, National Alliance on Mental Illness, American Psychiatric Association, Mental Health America and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Just last week General Motors decided to edit the Robot Superbowl spot where a depressed assembly robot dreams that he jumps off a bridge.

Right now, thousands of creatives are mimicking shooting themselves in the head with their markers, I bet. The VW "jumper" commercial is inside - not in youtubian format. It keeps getting posted and yanked there since it breaks their terms of service. (Do'h people!)

...so, the VW ad which clearly depicts the cheap car as a suicide prevention tool (since it convinces the jumper to not jump) isn't kosher. Neither are robots dreams. Oh and lets not forget any diod-robots that might be mistaken for bombs. Everyone back to adding giant starbursts on everything, nobody ever complained about that. While you're at it, make the logo bigger.

Volkwagen jumper 2007

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deeped's picture

The Werther-syndrome isn't that dangerous.

Dabitch's picture

First I thought you might be talking about lesions on the butt, ie a variant of the Gougerot-Ruiter syndrome and yeah, maybe not that dangerous. Then I realized you meant as in the Goethe novel ''The Sorrows of Young Werther.'' heh.

Imanaddy's picture

I wish I knew what you two were talking about.

Dabitch's picture

eeh, so do I - this is all quite long ago.. :D