WeatherTech - America At Work - (2015) :60 (USA)

Now, I was a fan of WeatherTech simple super bowl debut precisely because it was so simple, yet interesting enough to not get bland. It could have used some Sedelmaier quirky styling and gone deliciously retro and very hip, but it stayed on "regular" art direction on all but the one guy in a wood panelled office that may have escaped from the disco era.
This year it seems all ambition has been lost and WeatherTech treats us to an ad showing floor mats being made, people carrying things in factories, and repeating "This country" & "America" a lot. *sigh* And here I was hoping for WeatherTech to become a new Masterlock, an unexpected brand to consistently win new customers after airing a quirky super bowl ad.

Client: WeatherTech
Ad agency: Pinnacle advertising

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