What are ads really saying?

Julie Kramme Guldbæk in Denmark has been thinking about what ad-images we are subjected to in public space. She's translated the images to text to make us ponder what they are really saying-
Mellem linjerne (between the lines).
Now, this is lost on anyone that can't read Danish, but it does look very strange to see giant posters read "stiff nipples", "muscular nude man grips his stiff limb", "horny woman with naked breasts" etc. I recall all of those ads, but it does sound like images from porn-mags when she puts it that way, doesn't it?

[via genstart.dk]

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PS - one of the images she translated is Three halfnaked women wearing suntan oil push a car - you can see those images in the first article about that campaign Arla treat women like cows. - no muslims boycotted Arla back then. ;)
The man with the "stiff limb" was from the Cult Shaker campaign: Cult sexy shaker shakes up Denmark.