Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite

Referring to his first book, It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be, Arden describes himself as "author of world's bestselling book," ably demonstrating one nugget of wisdom to be found in his latest: "Great people have great egos; maybe that's what makes them great." Otherwise, the book suggests that Arden is less a great person (or a great author) than a great former creative director at advertising powerhouse Saatchi and Saatchi. In the restrictive, often repetitive genre of management by aphorism, Arden is an original: master of the snappy maxim and eye-catching graphic, Arden advocates unconventional thinking, skipping college, taking risks, being outrageous and failing dramatically. Missing is a page in this book emblazoned "Take my advice with a grain of salt," or "Triumph for an advertising copywriter may be disaster for an accountant." Nevertheless, Mr. Arden's books are a pleasure to peruse. His writing is spare, clever, brisk and pointed. Illustrations are clean and witty. Think you whatever, this book is a natty little addition to the business bookshelf.

You can buy "Whatever you think, think the opposite" by Paul Arden at Barnes&Noble.

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