When it comes to the Ford Edge, every cm counts

Ford Edge's Park Assist feature is a pretty important one, because it allows you to navigate those tricky parking spots without having to worry that you might hit something. Because every centimeter really does count. This print campaign from BBR Saatchi & Saatchi, Israel takes that centimeter to a literal place, by creating rulers featuring the Ford Edge and the slight amount of space it has from poles, trees and fire hydrants. Simple, but brilliant. Also, you have to give props to the car client for being brave enough to go with a concept that doesn't show a real depiction of its cars. Maybe I'm just jaded from having worked on a car brand here in the states, but I sincerely doubt many car brands (and their dealers associations who have all the real sway) would be okay with something like this. Good on them for selling it through.

Client: Delek-Motors LTD
Advertising Agency: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi, Israel
Chief Executive Officer: Yossi Lubaton
Chief Creative Officer: Jonathan Lang
VP Creative Director: Eran Nir
Copywriter: Shushu E. Spanier
Art Director: Noa Navot
Group Account Head: Ben Muskal
Account Supervisor: Chen Halpern
Account Executives: Gil Gershon, Hadar Goren
VP Production & Content: Dorit Gvili
Producer: Alon Smoelof
Strategic Planning Supervisor: Lora Goichman
Planner: Roie Gortler
Creative Coordinator: Eva Hasson
Traffic Director: Ronit Doanis
Studio manager: Yaron Keinan
Photoshop: Yaniv Shahar
Photographer: Menachem Reiss
Marketing Communications Manager: Yogev Weiss

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