Why create perfect mockups when you can use fockups?

In typical Dutch dry humor, Art Director Wytze Hoogslag has blessed us with fockups - because mockups are too perfect and the world is not.


You can download phone while on the toilet mockups, flags surrounded by bikes, toppled over posters and my personal favorite - the stuck-mid-switch billboard mockup.


Wytze Hoogslag explains:

"Mockups are used to present graphic design. Only these mockups are totally unrealistic. Bad weather, a technical defect or human behavior mean that design does not always turn out as planned. That's why I created the series Fockups. F*cked up mockups in which you can expose your design to the most unfortunate circumstances. Try it yourself…


While you're at it, you may as well also visit Wytze Hoogslag portfolio site.

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