Wine and Mice.

...what no cheese? Ok, have you ever noticed that a computer mouse can look a wee bit like a wineglass when turned upside down? Well, so did everybody else!

Stop playing with the mouse.

Anytime you get a brief to announce a website those tired old web-cursors and computer mice come up. Wisely enough you throw those ideas in the bin, right? These guys didn't.

Agency: Edson Cumminicado.Art Director: Paulo Diehl Copywriter: Paulo DiehlSeen in: Eurobest 1998 Winner in the print category.

Agency: No idea, I just found this ad in Adformatie December 1999.

Then I found this ad in an Issue of the Independent Newspaper December 1999. Jeez. (If you really must see the rest of the ad because you just can't contain yourself, click on the image), and while I like the illustration...kinda seen it all before.

Yep kids..It's been done and the first one was probably the first one as it won an award in the print category already 1998. Methinks the people behind the Gall&Gall ads might've seen that award book. My personal favorite is the british black and white one, not only because it doesn't put the mouse upside down (Look at your mouse, where is the button? See what I mean?) but also because for a small space newspaper ad this simple idea and simple illustration makes for an OK ad. For a full-color full-page ad, it's kinda lame.

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