Winner takes all in $100 Mil. Energizer Shootout

Adweek online has just declared:
"CHICAGO -- Energizer has tapped lead agency TBWAChiatDay to handle the $100 million rebranding of its main brand following a creative shootout with DDB Chicago, sources said." Agency officials referred calls to the client, who kept going on and on and on and on....

Adweek online continues unabated:

"The move consolidates the St. Louis battery maker's business at TBWACD in Playa del Rey, Calif., which had the Energizer business all to itself until last year when DDB was added to the roster to handle the $50 million e2 battery rollout.

DDB and TBWACD pitched ideas for the upcoming relaunch of the Energizer brand to Energizer Max in what sources said was a winner-take-all competition. The company notified the shops yesterday that TBWACD's Playa del Rey office will handle the rebranding and take over e2 work, sources said. Energizer has said it will devote a $100 million marketing budget to the relaunch.

TBWACD created the long running Energizer bunny campaign that parodies advertising by interrupting seemingly serious commercials."

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