WIZO "Flowers" (2018) 2:30 (Israel)

Every three weeks a woman is murdered in Israel by her partner. On Hebrew Valentine's Day, The Women's International Zionist Organization & Families of Murder Victims organization collected flowers from the graves of women who were murdered by their partners, and sent them to members of Israeli parliament to remind them about this atrocity and urge them to pass legislation and do something about it, because there are some flowers no woman should ever receive. This is quite the effective ad, although I'm not sure the misdirect at the beginning was necessary.

Client: WIZO (Women's International Zionist Organization) & Families of Murder Victims organization
Advertising Agency: Gitam BBDO, Tel Aviv, Israel
Agency website: http://www.gitam.co.il/
Head of Creative: Danny Yakobowitch
VP Creative Director: Eran Nir
Art Director: Danielle Lee vardi
Copywriter: Michal Perry
VP Production: Gali Starkman
Agency Producer: Noy Kirilovsky
VP Account: Yonatan Regev
Account Supervisor: Hagar Fogel
Director: Tal Almog
Photographer: Ido Karni
Editor: Jessica Klaverman

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