WonderBra vs PushUp bra!

Ah - how do we describe the product advantage..? I know! We'll show them!


Client: Wonderbra

Agency:Hunt Lascaris/TBWA Sandton.

AD and CW: Anton Crone


No need for a headline, just them funky 3D-glasses.
Trust me, they really do work... The glasses I mean!

Client: Triumph

Agency: I really dunno, but it's Dutch (or belgian?)

AD: Don't Know CW: dunno either

Headline: Gift for him.... Gift for me.. (geez...blunt copy..*booooohring*) This ad insert did feature a pair of 3D glasses and more pages of 3D lingerie. It was Flair. Is this a case of "let's rip off last years (96) most talked about ad'" or were they just plain ignorant?
(Yeah, OK, maybe they don't pour over the trade-press daily - how weird! Maybe that's just me! I mean, who else has the time?)

In any case, it's no good......

It's a simple case of overusing new media solutions rather than really thinking of a good campaignable idea.

The Wonderbra one fits in their campaign...
The Belgian version was their campaign.
*sigh* Shame they ripped off a good media execution idea and made it bad..again. *sigh*

Could we like hire some creative creatives for once? Please?

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