World Wheelchair Rugby - Here to win (2022) 1:30 (Canada)

If you think rugby is a tough sport, you should see wheelchair rugby. It takes a special kind of tenacity to make it in this game. Great editing here.

Here is also a shorter edit of the ad.

Title:    Here to Win
Brand:    World Wheelchair Rugby
Product/Service:    Non Profits
Client:    World Wheelchair Rugby

Agency:    Cossette Communication
Production Company:    MERCHANT
Sound Company:    Barking Owl
Creative Director:    Mark Balson
Entrant Company Country:    Canada

Duration:    01:30
Global Chief Creative Officer: Peter Ignazi
Executive Creative Directors: Craig McIntosh, Jaimes Zentil
Associate Creative Directors: Jake Bundock, Ryan Kukec
Senior Art Director: Chris Walker
Senior Copywriter: Pete MacInnis
Group Creative Director, Head of Design: Luis Coderque
Designer: Paula Dopuda
Senior Designer: Chelsea Palmer
Producer: Nan Row
Senior Strategist: Bella Iannetta
Director, Branding & Design Strategy: Chelito Rubio
Group VP, Head of Strategy: Max Keane
Account Coordinator: Nathaniel Lazare
Account Supervisor: Aline Cleve
Group Business Director: Asmait Hailu
SVP, General Manager: Kathy McGuire

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The editing is stellar!