This year marks IKEA’s 45th anniversary in Singapore, and that’s a really long time. TBWA\Singapore celebrate with the worlds longest IKEA pencil.

It's hard to believe, but IKEA has been in Singapore for 45 years now. If you've ever been to one of their stores, you're probably familiar with their famous free pencils. And let's be honest, who hasn't taken one home with them?


So what better way to celebrate a really long history, than to launch a long version of the iconic IKEA pencil?

In fact, a really really long one – so long that it needed to be posted as a carousel on Instagram.

From April 27th to May 1st, supporters of IKEA can head to any of their stores located in Singapore. By doing so, they will have the opportunity to win a unique long pencil, as well as participate in other long-themed social events and in-store experiences.






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“As a nod of appreciation to the people who have supported the brand over the years, we thought it would be fun to create some nostalgia with the iconic IKEA pencil that we all know and love”, said Asheen Naidu, executive creative director at TBWA\Singapore.


Client: IKEA Singapore

Creative Agency: TBWA\Singapore

Media Agency: PhD Singapore

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