ZonaJobs - Roberto the "Anti-Millennial" (2017) :60 (Argentina)

Meet Roberto. He may be good at his job, but he is not hip. He is not a millennial. He is the kind of guy who does not work from home, because there's either home or the office. No home-office. He's the kind of fella who doesn't quite understand new habits like beanbag chairs and bikes in the office elevators. He feels a little odd, a little left out, a little trapped in a new world that's strange to him. I kind of love Roberto and his classic safe beige duffel coat. Roberto who doesn't understand gif communications. I sympathize, Roberto. The job may have changed but finding it hasn't (much).

COO and Vice President of Accounts at FCB Buenos Aires, Luciano Landajo, explains the insight:

“The challenge of this campaign was to reflect, with humor, how the culture and the way of working has modified and evolved over the past years. And how some people, like Roberto – the main character of this campaign – coexist with these new rules in an unknown territory.”

Lulo Calio, Creative Director of FCB Buenos Aires explains how they made Roberto so sympathetic while balancing on not offending a generation of ping-pong playing gif-lovers.

“This work was a great challenge. It demanded a lot of us, since the last thing we wanted was to transform ourselves into Roberto, trying to speak to a generation so particular and complex that it undoubtedly requires a different language. When we came to this idea, there was no doubt, either on our side or on that of the Navent team: We both felt we had found the way.”

It's the directors execution that seals it for me. The perfect a mix between anxiety and Jaques Tati-like observational humour in the modern world. Very funny.

Ad agency: FCB Buenos Aires
Production: Mu Films
Directed by Clan

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