Absinthe touted as the new GHB

More sex! Will the ad industry ever get their minds out of the gutter? We at Adland won't. ;)

Karl Long over at Customer Experience Strategy wonders if it's so wise to market Absinthe as the new "Roofy" in his post Marketing Absinthe as the Date Rape Drink?

Though with terrible absinthe like the stuff shown, which has the colour of radioactive slush, and tastes like Listerine mixed with perfume (don't ask me how I know this), the sellers can't really aim at the drink connoisseurs market.

If you're looking for proper absinthe (I apologise to the Czech Republic) most Czech brands are just high-proof vodkas with a little food coloring it seems. Absinth.bz is currently running a banner with the tagline "the ultimate panty remover" together with an image of a nude ladies hips, her hand coyly covering herself.
But hey, Absinthe.bz also sells cannabis vodka, so I guess their target market is easily duped college jocks. All these times that I've been off my head on absinthe I've never removed my panties.
Almost got arrested by the friendly police in Val Thorens though, but that's a story best told over a glass or two of... absinthe. ;)

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