Bloggforum 2.0 Stockholm

It's not like me, but next week I'll not only attend the Bloggforum 2.0 in Stockholm on Saturday the 28th of May, but I'll also be talking about blogging blogedi-blog-blog and advertising in a panel called "Blogs for companies and marketing" between 15.00 and 15.45. In the flesh! Away from a keyboard and everything (actually that's not true I'll bring my handheld. Can't win it all baby.).

It's free to come and listen to the panel discussions and participate in the workshops, so if you happen to be in the hood why not stop by. You must sign up at so that they know you are coming, but there are seats left. Other interesting panel discussions include "Blogs and media" and "to create confidence [in X] through blogging". After all that we're all going out for a beer if you fancy.

Bloggforum 2.0 is hosted at JMK on Karlavägen 104. Here's a map and instructions on how to get there.

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