Lacoste asks Norwegian police to make Anders Behring Breivik wear some other brand.

the Telegraph noted back in July that Anders Behring Breivik is a bit of a fashion fundamentalist.

Having been refused permission to wear a combat uniform, he has demanded to wear a red Lacoste sweater for his public outings to court or to the police station. He will not wear anything else.

Lacoste are sick of the 'free advertising' his red sweater is giving them, and have asked the Norwegian police to please make him wear something else reports. In Breivik's strange manifest he interviews himself, and one of the questions is "What is your favorite brand". The answer? Lacoste.

Lacoste are playing down/playing dumb when asked if they contacted to police to change Breivik's dresscode.

Police Attorney Christian Hatlo confirms that Lacoste has contacted the police.
- Yes, we have been contacted by Lacoste, but what they have asked to be between us, says Hatlo to Dagbladet.

- This I have not heard of, says importer Øisten Gulbrandsen to Dagbladet. He does not want to comment further, and believes there "should be an end to the focus on what Breivik is wearing now."

-" Of course it's unfortunate, but this is not so much to write about", says Gulbrandsen.

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