Crazy Frog the Movie!

Nowhere to run to baby, nowhere to hide - there are plans on making more annoying crazy frog films - including a TV series and perhaps a feature film! Yikes!
SVD Sweden that has interviewed the creator behind the animation (not the sound) Erik Wernquist at Kaktus film, where ideas for the frog run rampant. They've already made him a pop-star that kicked Coldplay off the top spot of the charts, The Crazy frog song sold in 150 000 copies only in it's first week of release in the UK.

Another music video for Crazy frog is already in the making and it's "father" together with Kaktus films has big plans, around christmas you can expect to see Crazy Frog games for PC, PS2 and Game Boy, and "talks" about films and TV-series are in the process.

Anything that is huge, despite being that annoying must have a clone of course, only then have you really made it big. And so Crazy frogs clone is Pondlife with the tune Ring-ding-ding. Optimists may interpret this as a sign of the Crazy Frog finally getting too big and maybe the fad will die tomorrow...

Previous sightings; The Evolution of Crazy Frog - from Deng Deng to Ringtone, Crazy frog gets to keep his ding-ding, Jamster - Crazy Frog (Censored), Regulators attempting to squash Crazy Frog and Crazy Frog beats KFC as most talked about annoying ad

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