Football sponsorship rocks.

Over at his blog, - Magnus Larsson posted an interesting picture from his local newspaper.

Now we all know that major football (soccer for you Yanks) teams will do just about anything for a good sponsorship deal (and major sponsors will do just about anything to sign on a winning team). And we’ve all seen the results in the form of Beckham running around with Vodafone literally tattooed across his forehead. But this is the first time I’ve ever seen a musical artist get into the game (pun intended)...
The Swedish rock band The Hives is sponsoring their hometown women’s soccer team with jerseys with the message "Listen to The Hives" printed on the back.

Check out the entire story here.

"It says “Listen to the Hives!” on Västanfors Ladies team, a village in Fagersta where the Hives originate from. The article reads that the band rocks but that Västanfors had problems to show the same energy since they got punched with 5 - 0 by Gustafs (my village)."

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