Honda - Keep Up (Faster) - (2015) :30 (UK)

Salt lake. Check. Drifting cars in good light. Check. We are checking all the tired car ad clichés in the opening shot, but this seems refreshingly current anyway. Honda tests your speed reading with rhythmic letting smattering on the screen, punctuated with well timed desert dust, a robot and the occasional car swerving past in a sexy shot. Nice. Really nice, actually.
Can you read a 1,000 words per minute? Try it, go here and see if you can read faster, faster... faster!.

The text was my personal fave. It's so 90's against that salt lake dry lakebed used in so many ads back then, yet so overdue for a revival that it suddenly feels quite fresh again. Plus, Asimo robot marching and good sound design.

Ad agency: Wieden + Kennedy London

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