Honda skydiving plane crashed, two dead.

The "Honda skydiving plane" was involved in a crash, and depending on who you ask it was either a day later or while they did the live ad.

Honda Jump (not live) and Honda Channel 4 Live ad Jump

If you read tabloids, such as the ever sucky Aftonbladet in Sweden you'll find the headline "Nine people jumped out of crashing plane" and the incorrect version of events:

Two died during the filming. They were shooting for British TV when their aircraft suddenly crashed. Luckily they all played the parts of skydivers.

Aftonbladet got their information from El País and the writer might need to brush up on their Spanish, because Hondas official statement says the crash happened the day after the live ad - their statement is quoted at The Guardian and other proper newschannels.

"No-one on the plane was in any way connected to Honda or with the company's advertising shoot," according to its statement.
"Honda extends its sincerest condolences to the families of the two people killed."

Still, how terrible, imagine if the wing had come off the plane during the live ad.

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