It's No Fun Being Dead

Last Friday, The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) launched a campaign for new road safety campaign targeting ages 18 to 21 with NoFunBeingDead.

"Youth are bombarded with messages from all fronts. To cut through the clutter, ICBC wanted a message that was edgy and attention-grabbing," said Laurie Baker, manager of provincial loss prevention. "It's no fun if you're dead is straight to the point. The bad choices you make behind the wheel can kill you and cause you to miss out on all the fun things in life that are important now."

From March to May, ads will air run across media using television, cinema, podcasts, newspaper, and posters in clubs, bars and restaurants.

The ads recreate activities involving youth with a dramatic twist, one of the fictional participants is dead - a potential consequence of reckless driving behaviour.

See Video Games spot here.

Watch Chess spot here.
Watch Tennis spot here.
Watch Frisbee spot here.

You can then experience how much fun it is yourself to play with a dead person.

They pick up on the popularity of MySpace with a spoof MyDeadSpace:

And, there's also some advice from Death:

Here's one of the print ads:

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