Millimetres Matter for Samsung

"Millimetres Matter" aims to capture the distinctive slimness of the Samsung Mobile Ultra Edition II handsets in the balletic grace and beauty of the natural world under the microscope. Illustrating insects up close and personal, whilst playfully including a selection of minute pies and desserts - the result is a microscopic pie fight recorded on film.

Also viewable here in the Adland Commercial Archive.
Agency: The Viral Factory
Creative: The Viral Factory
Production Co: Mad Cow Productions
Director: Richard de Aragues
Producer: Jonas Blanchard & Nicholas Unsworth
Editor: Rick Waller
DOP: Steve Downer
Post Facility: Rushes
Telecine Artist: Simone Grattarola
VFX Artists: Brian Carbin, Richie White, Paul Hannaford, Emir Hasham,
Matt Jackson
After Effects: Brad Le Riche

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