PBS creates special page just for Noah, the 5 year old who writes fan letters.

A person who works at PBS opened the mail yesterday and found this letter from 5 year old Noah, with 1 dollar in it as well where little PBS-fan Noah asks for PBS to make a show called Super Heroes to the rescue. Within hours, PBS made pbskids.org/superheroestotherescue splash page for Noah.

Dear Noah: Thank you for your dollar. We are glad you love PBS KIDS so much! The good news is we have two super hero to the rescue shows that we think you will enjoy, Super Why! and WordGirl. Love, PBS KIDS

Wow, I want to see the look on that 5 year olds kids face when he finds a splash page dedicated to him on PBS. Take note corporate entities this is how you create brand loyalty, PBS has it. It doesn't hurt that by posting that letter on Reddit too, the PBS worker now has the entire internet going aaaaw. Well played PBS, well played. For all we know the letter could be written by the intern and that dollar bill was rejected by the vending machine down the hall. ;)

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