carries nimda virus

Woops - - the Swedish advertising and media news on the web best served to an Internet Explorer browser was carrying the Nimda virus this weekend.

Update: at 22.00 hrs on Sunday the Nimda is gone from there site, removed at 21.00 hrs by sysop. Everyone can exhale. ;-)

On Saturday the virus was discovered by a smart surfer by the handle sugarcane, his Norton Antivirus alerted him to the Nimda virus he had just downloaded unknowingly from
You could see the virus trying to execute if you were surfing with a mac, a new window opens in both NS and IE and spits out some garbled code junk. A windows machine wouldn't see the virus but would instead be infected by it.

He shared his story in bredbandsbolagets forum saying:
"Can you really get viruses from homepages? And how on earth did a "serious" mag like Resume get infected?"

Well, yes, if you read up on F-secure's easy explanation of Nimda you'll learn that homepages can get infected. The Nimda virus was creating havoc worldwide last fall and seems to have now resurfaced even though most machines are patched.

Most probably Resume was infected during the weekend when no sysop was there to check this, but right now there is no information on how long that virus may have been there. (your guess is as good as mine)

The nimda virus affects Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4 and Windows 2000 users. Art directors/Creatives on Mac's or Linux/Irix machines can safely read the Resume news on Monday without worry. ;-)

I returned to the site tonight as I heard from another paper ( actually) that the virus had been removed. It's reign on Resume was only during the weekend then. :) It could have created quite a mess in the Monday morning readers computers of the AE departments (where they are more likely to be running windows of sorts) had it stayed. Bummer. ;-)

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