14 Hands Unveils New Canned Wine Line by Spoofing Iconic Beer Ads

In order to sell wine in cans, Seattle-based creative agency Copacino+Fujikado “Grab a Wineski” decided to spoof memorable beer ads in these digital spots for 14 Hands Winery. Beer ads! So far, the idea is sound. Wine in cans is not a common sight, and the concept needs to be introduced somehow. But when you spoof something iconic, you are risking becoming just a naff copy. 

Below, they spoofed "Wassup" from the pregame show of Super Bowl XXXIV in the year 2000. 

“Wine tends to get associated with fancier situational events. With the launch of 14 Hands’ new canned wine, we really wanted to shift perceptions around where and when we can enjoy wine and show that, anywhere you would have a cold ‘brewski,’ you can also have an ice cold ‘wineski’,” said Mike Hayward, Executive Creative Director at Copacino+Fujikado.


The spots will run on digital nationally, appearing on YouTube, Pandora, and social, to name a few platforms. Influencer elements will also support the campaign along with over 25 unique social assets. For context, Ste. Michelle Wine Estates chose Copacino+Fujikado as its agency of record in 2015, and the “Grab a Wineski” campaign marks the most recent effort from the agency.  The initiative encompasses brand support across the Ste. Michelle portfolio, including work for Chateau Ste. Michelle, Columbia Crest, INTRINSIC Wine Co., and Erath Winery, among others.

Team Credits


Executive Creative Director          Mike Hayward

ACD/ Art Director                             Nicole Koestel

Copywriter                                         Caroline Henry

Sr. Social Media & Content Strategist       Paul Balcerak                                    

Video Content Creator                   Kyle Illenda

Account Director                              Chris Copacino 

Account Supervisor                         Samantha Sidwell

Account Executive                           Kendall Evans

Director of Production                   Kelly Green

Producer                                             Kelli Garces

Project Manager                              Kirsten Speller



Producer                                             Matt Jaime

Director                                                John Eames

Editor                                                    Ray Gross

FX                                                           Jason McKee

Color                                                     Rendell Burghart

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