15 kilobytes of fame "Blogging by Moonlight"

Normally we don't make a fuss about being mentioned in a paper here on the front page, we just cut it out and proudly glue it to our scrap book of press clippings like a sentimental sap, and we've been doing that ever since Badland got attention back in 1998 and my face appeared for the first time in print. This time however our very own Caffeinegodess is also in the article, so we simply had to share. You can read the full article Blogging by moonlight at adweek.com if you have a subscription.

Men are behind most ad-related blogs, but there are some exceptions: Boston-based freelance copywriter Jane Goldman runs Cup of Java (caffeinegoddess.blogspot.com), and Copenhagen, Denmark-based freelance art director Åsk Wäppling operates Adland (ad-rag.com). Like many bloggers, they keep their identities somewhat a mystery. "People don't know who I am and it's cool," says Wäppling, 32. "But they think I'm a guy, and that gets annoying."

"You could talk to 30 people about one campaign and they could all have different opinions," says Goldman, 27. "In that respect [a blog] is a good sounding board, and having a little bit of anonymity isn't a bad thing."

It being international womens day and all, I'd like to point to out that there are plenty of female ad-people who blog and adblogs written by females, I'm not sure that it's true that "most" blogs are by men when surveys like the persus survey we mentioned last year showed there were more women than men creating blogs with hosting options like livejournal, blogger.com and the likes. Since self-hosted options (like our blog here) aren't counted one never gets the full picture though. Anyway, shout-out to the sisters, off the top of my head fulfilling the criteria "ad-women who blog" there's Martinas adverblog; Jennifers Brand Mantra, Niki's more casual ad hoc, Trillians rants about her dayjob in advertising at Life of Trillian, Kari's greedygirl, designer Jen's verybigblog, Pamela's the River and Ms Ochman's What's next blog. ;)
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