ACNE Breaks Out Interactive Director Jeff Levine

ACNE has added interactive director Jeff Levine to its roster. The prolific director, designer, and digital specialist brings a reel overflowing with top quality work for major clients including YouTube, AT&T, PNC, Puma, Craftsman, and Honda. His output spans from award-winning social media campaigns to a recent 3D architectural projection-mapping project for the New York Knicks. Levine’s work has earned overwhelming praise, including recognition from One Show, Webby, Addy, SXSW, FWA, AICP Next, Clio, Cannes Lions, Art Directors Club, Awwwards, London International Awards and New York Festival.

“I’ve been working with Jeff off and on for a couple of years, and his diverse skillset in digital, broadcast, 3D and experiential realms make him an ideal fit for us,” states ACNE CEO of US Operations Jesper Palsson. “At ACNE, we work continually to surround ourselves with smart, creative people that we enjoy working with, and Jeff fits into this model exactly.”

Prior to joining ACNE, Levine spent time at B-Reel, The Famous Group, Tool, Fake-Up, ID Society and Rokkan. Aside from his expertise as an interactive director, Levine brings a number of hobbies and creative experiments. He is currently working to design toy prototypes and hardware for interactive installations using 3D printers.

About Acne:

ACNE is a creative collective founded with the philosophy that there is no line between Art and Industry. In the spirit of that philosophy, we spend our days undertaking creative problem solving within all areas of Production.

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