ACT Responsible opens its call for entries for the 2023 collection presented at the next Cannes Lions.

The non-profit association, whose mission is to inspire, promote and unite the advertising
industry around responsible communication, calls on agencies around the world to submit their
latest campaigns on social and environmental issues.
Be part of the ACT program: The program offers many benefits to the submitted campaign, such
• The Great Ads for Good Exhibition premiered at the Cannes Lions,
• The Care Awards chaired by the VP of the European Parliament,
• The Good Report our international annual ranking developed with WARC Rankins,
• The TV program "One Minute of Responsibility” aired on Euronews & Africanews
• The Good Ads Gallery our database of over 30,000 ads powered by
The 2023 collection will be showcased in the ACT Responsible Hall at the heart of the Cannes
Lions from June 19th-23rd, in a unique exhibition highlighting the best campaigns advocating
respect for the environment, alerting on human rights, raising awareness of solidarity and
education. Submit your ad before April 10th.
Agencies can also join the ACT community by becoming annual members, the levels of
memberships available are designed to best suit the size of the agencies, whether they are
independent, in networks or part of an international group. To find out more, go to Become a
ACT Responsible is a meeting point on Responsible Communication, by becoming a
member, agencies connect to the largest international network of key players in responsible
communication, affirm their commitments to better advise their clients, meet experts to find
solutions to accelerate change, share best practices and help shape the future of advertising.
Join the ACT community. Meet the ACT Community.
For over 20 years, ACT Responsible's action has been to share the best social and
environmental campaigns created for associations, institutions, and companies, through various
initiatives developed in partnership with a network of committed players in advertising, media
and education. Its objective is to highlight the power of advertising creativity in raising awareness
of social and environmental issues.

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