AD STARS 2022 Opens for Entries - Deadline for entering is set to be the 15th of May 2022

Calling all global advertising creatives who seek to change the world through creative solutions. AD STARS 2022 is now open for entries.

Professional and non professional creators can submit their entries today on The deadline for entering is set to be the 15th of May 2022 (KST).

For more than 14 years, AD STARS has been the showcase of some of the world’s most innovative, forward thinking and creative campaigns. Since its creation in 2008, AD STARS has seen the number of entry submission grow more than 6 times it's initial intake. AD STARS is one of the world’s leading creative festivals.

Entries are classified into a total of 24 categories with all entries being free of charge, with the exception of the integrated and innovation categories. This makes AD STARS one of the most inclusive creative festivals.

The full list of AD STAR categories is as follows:

- ADSTARS : Film, Print ,Outdoor, Radio & Audio, Design, Interactive, Mobile, Data Insights, Social & Influencer, PR, Brand Experience & Activation, Direct, Media, Integrated, Innovation, Diverse Insights, Place Brand, Creative eCommerce

- VIDEO STARS AWARDS: Branded Information Video, Branded Entertainment Videos, Branded Viral Videos, Non Branded Videos

- PSA AWARDS, Special Category (PIVOT), World Expo 2030.

Submitted campaigns will go through a rigorous judging process, with some of the world’s leading experts being part of this year’s juries. At the end of the jury deliberations, AD STARS will award up to 2 of the best campaigns, prize money worth $10,000.

Amongst, the most noticeable changes adopted by the AD STARS organizing committee this year. AD STARS, as a goal to improving the quality of the entries, pledged to limit the maximum number of parent category submission to 6 entries per campaign. Additionally, AD STARS have created a special category (for non professionals only) to showcase campaigns relating to Busan’s bid to host the World Expo in 2030.

Subsequent to last year’s ontact model (fully online), AD STARS will this year embrace an hybrid model, with many activities set to take place in Korea’s second largest city: Busan. Jurors will be reviewing campaigns both online and in-person.

Enter now!

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