By popular request, the AD STARS Organizing Committee has decided to extend this year’s entry deadline until 31st May 2022. This gives agencies, production companies, and the whole creative industry more time to submit their work and compete for US$10,000 cash prizes, which are awarded every year to AD STARS’ Grand Prix of the Year winners.

AD STARS is on a mission to support creators all over the world – whether they’re global networks, smaller-sized agencies, start-ups, or students with limited award budgets – with a forum where they can share their work, and inspire the world. As part of this mission, AD STARS does not charge entry fees for almost all awards categories, creating a level playing field for creators of all shapes and sizes. 

“A growing number of people around the world are entering the AD STARS Awards, and their support humbles us. Many people have told us that our industry benefits from having a festival that is for anyone interested in creativity, not just for those working in advertising. We are also particularly proud of our theme this year: MAD. MAD is an acronym for Marketing, Advertising, and Digital, but it is also a reflection of the industry’s direction by becoming more pluri-disciplinary, more creative, and more passionate. We can’t wait to see some of the MAD innovations and creative solutions submitted into AD STARS 2022” says Hwan Jin Choi, Chairperson of the AD STARS Executive Committee.

Paul Conversy, Awards Manager at AD STARS, says: “We’ve been flooded with requests for more time to enter AD STARS 2022, so I’m happy to say the deadline has been pushed back until 31st May. If you haven’t entered already, this is your chance!” 

The full list of AD STAR categories is as follows: 
AD STARS: Film, Print, Outdoor, Radio & Audio, Design, Interactive, Mobile, Data Insights, Social & Influencer, PR, Brand Experience & Activation, Direct, Media, Integrated, Innovation, Diverse Insights, Place Brand, Creative eCommerce
VIDEO STARS: Branded Information Video, Branded Entertainment Videos, Branded Viral Videos, Non Branded Videos
PSA: Green, Human Rights, Education, Healthcare, Gender Equality, Peace & Justice, Partnerships, Others

“One of the things that is very interesting about AD STARS is that it is a combination of creativity, social good, diversity and inclusion. I think this whole confluence of technology with social progress makes it a very Interesting and very vibrant festival” says Ashwini Deshpande who will lead the design and print jury at AD STARS 2022, as one of the five executive judges. 
Ashwini is Co-founder, Director of Elephant Design in India.  

Alan Kelly, Chief Creative Officer of Rothco / Accenture interactive in Ireland is also joining the line-up of executive judges at AD STARS 2022: “I’m really grateful and excited to see some of the idea and great work in the industry. I’m particularly looking forward to judge those transformative ideas that none of us in the industry had seen coming. I can’t wait to start!”. Alan Kelly is executive jury in the Interactive, Integrated, Innovation, Mobile, Data Insights, Social & Influencer category. 

Oded Lavie, who is VP Innovation, Creative Technology, and Business Development of the publicis groupe in Israel stated that “I feel very privileged and very happy to look at some of the future thinking of some of the world’s leading creatives, and understand how they are helping their brands win the heart of consumers through innovative transformative creative solutions. Oded Lavie is a final juror in the Interactive, Integrated, Innovation, Mobile, Data Insights, Social & Influencer category. 

Peter Vegas, who is part of the final jury for the Brand Experience & Activation, Creative eCommerce, Direct, Media, PR category stated that “I Love being involved in the judging process, you get exposed to so many good ideas and so much great thinking. Being part of the final jury inspires me and reminds me why I love this business”. Peter Vegas is Executive Creative Director at FCB New Zealand.

It is free to enter all AD STARS categories excluding the Innovation and Integrated categories, which cost USD100 per entry. 

With the theme ‘MAD,’ AD STARS 2022 takes place at the Busan Exhibition and Convention Centre (Bexco) from 25th to 27th August 2022. For more information on entering the AD STARS 2022, visit

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