Adcrap Recap - Week 30

Get your fill of Adland goodness with a quick recap of last week's ups and downs.

Down: HeadOn commercials seem to cause more headaches than it cures.
Up: Magnecote presents the Super Pitch - for all your pitching needs.
Down: Could this possibly be the worse Lynx ad to date? It's highly likely.
Up: A nice example of Brazilian advertising for Playboy.
Up: Fruit of the Loom considers itself gaming gear for all you gameheads.
Down: Proof that it's not always easy to create a good viral campaign.

Ads of the week:

Beck's - Wake Up (2006) 0:30 (USA)

Heineken – Past Experiences (2006) :60 (AUS)

Pipex - Hoff (2006) 0:60 (UK)

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