Animal auditions in Badland - Frontier Airlines vs Frontier communications

Sure sure, we see ads that are very similar. We see ads that have the same idea. We see ads that have the same base idea, from companies that have the same name?

Hold up, that last one is a rarity so let's look at Frontier vs Frontier, because hilarious.
Too many similarities in one go here, people.
Last year, Frontier Airlines auditioned new animals for their planes tails.
Frogs and parrots and even a dung beetle wanted to join the Frontier Airlines family. He brought fresh dung! Give him a chance.

The campaign allowed people to vote for their favorite Frontier animal on Twitter.

This year, almost exactly a year later, Frontier Communications auditioned animals to find their new spokesperson, and it's Frank the Buffalo. So Frontier Airlines had animal auditions, and Frontier communications had animal auditions. He he he. I'm so very amused right now.

This little Badlander takes me back too, in 2002 Clay posted the Snuggle struggle which showed animals auditioning to be the new spokespeople of Snuggle and Cadbury's chocolate. Auditions are fun fodder for ad-ideas, especially when a Lion tries out for the part of the easter bunny.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Doris the Duck's picture

If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, well then it's a friggin' duck. Frontier Communications completely ripped off this idea. They were clearly aware of the Frontier Airlines campaign.

Oh yeah, and the Frontier Airlines stuff is a helluva lot funnier. Just sayin'

Frontier Airlines Flight Attendant's picture

I am not in advertising. But I can tell when one company clearly copies another company - I work for Frontier Airlines, and we've had our animal ad campaign for many years. The commercials are awesome, and the idea to audition new animals was so much fun! Our passengers love keeping track of the animals on which they've flown. And along comes Frontier Communications...with the EXACT SAME IDEA and the same type of campaign. Really? When are people going to start coming up with their own ideas? We've got musicians recycling songs that were popular back when I was growing up - my 24 year old daughter is surprised that I already know all the words! Then there are the movies - remakes of the tried and true. Why not leave it alone? And Frontier Communications advertising agency comes up with a "new" idea of auditioning animals? Really? It's only been a year since Frontier Airlines did this! Couldn't you find a better ad agency that had fresher ideas? Shame on them.

SCraig's picture

How sad for Frontier Communications. Not only are they lazy and can't come up with their own idea - but their commercial is so far from amusing or funny. Boring in fact. Who would hire this agency to come up with ideas for their business if they can't even be fresh and exciting for themselves?