Axe Ice Chill - WHOA, WHOA, WHOA (2019) :35 (UK)

The lesson to learn in this ad is simple, and ties to the products claim of lowering your body temperature. While I do not know if that's true, "you're hotter, when you're chill"  actually is a good insight. Maybe "chill" isn't the right word, the guy who scores a nice connection with his date isn't chill as much as he is simply himself. He loves milkshakes to the point of making straw noises sucking the last drop out, and she smiles at him adoringly because she thinks it's cute. It really is cute when guys are just being themselves, and gals happen to like whatever that is. A music nerd, a milkshake lover, a basketball enthusiast. Be yourself, there's always someone who likes exactly that.


Points for the casting of the cheerleader, she really looks infatuated with him.

Client: Unilever / Axe / Lynx
Ad agency: Ponce
Production: Independant Films, London

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