Bad Guerilla is twice as annoying as bad ads

CTA Tattler tells of their encounter with a blue faced US cellular walking ad-man where his blue face and annoying habit to yap loudly on a mobile phone while in transit is paid off with "Talk Until You're Blue in the Face, with U.S. Cellular." written on his backpack. Apart from the terrible pun, how annoying isn't it when people yap loudly on a mobile phone on the buses and trains? U.S. Cellular went out to highlight the worst thing about mobile phones with their dumb guerrilla stunt, and agitated people all around their messenger in the trains.

blå robbinson robban
"This makes things more interesting and more distressing. Not only is he a complete dink, he's being paid to be a complete dink. Not only is his yapping intruding on my aural landscape, but his yapping constitutes an ad."
reads the tattler - and I wonder if advertising on the trains like that isn't comparable to solicitation buskers and homeless people do. The latter are usually barred from train stations all together in most cities.

In Sweden we've seen little blue men who weren't smurfs or the Blue Man Group before: "Robinson Robban" a reality soap "star" who got voted off the island painted himself blue and tried to eat his vote live on TV. Later he decked out in blue again in order to sell his own imported Viagra. His stunt failed to do anything but create aversion against him - and my guess is the same will happen with U.S. Cellular blue man without manners.

Someone should send the blue man the "Dear Cell Phone User" cards from SHHH, the Society for HandHeld Hushing. ;)

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caffeinegoddess's picture

That is one creepy guy!

LPikon's picture

Hmmmmm ...... I thought it was Johny Depp after an accident with a new blueberry chocolate mix in the chocolate factory.