Blogging By Moonlight : Adweek

Blogging By Moonlight
Ad execs use blogs to promote something new - themselves

Men are behind most ad-related blogs, but there are some exceptions: Boston-based freelance copywriter Jane Goldman runs Cup of Java (, and Copenhagen, Denmark-based freelance art director Åsk Wäppling operates Adland ( Like many bloggers, they keep their identities somewhat a mystery. "People don't know who I am and it's cool," says Wäppling, 32. "But they think I'm a guy, and that gets annoying."
"You could talk to 30 people about one campaign and they could all have different opinions," says Goldman, 27. "In that respect (a blog) is a good sounding board, and having a little bit of anonymity isn't a bad thing."

Found in: Adweek, Volume 46, Issues 1-13 - page 95

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