Body Shop - Speak Up - Be more than beautiful - (2014) 1:19 (Malaysia)

The Body Shop and Grey Kuala Lumpur just channeled Anita Roddrick's ghost, sized up Dove's "real beauty" campaign and challenged it with "Be More Than Beautiful". In this spot, a very young girl does the very serious voice-over work, and as she reads her lines "if I see injustice, I will remain silent" a cold shiver runs through your body. Don't teach your daughters that being beautiful is important, don't even teach them to love themselves for all their pretty little flaws, or that everyone is beautiful. Teach them to be better people. Check mate, Dove.

"When I grow up, I will be everybody's favorite.
I will be polite, and let others lead.
I will support them. And never say no.
I will not offend anyone or question authority.
If someone tears me down, I won't say a word.
If I see injustice I will remain silent.
When deep down I know it's wrong.
If this worries you, teach me now to speak up for what is right.
Encourage me to express my opinions, and have courage for what I believe in.
Show me that I have a voice, so that when I grow up, I will be more than beautiful."

See also Good Girl and Unnatural Beauty from the same campaign.

Ad agency: Grey, Kuala Lumpur
ECD: David Sin
Creative Director: Ramanjit Singh Gulati
Creative Director: Andrew Fong
Writers: Ramanjit Singh Gulati, Nadia McDonald, Jessica Wong
Planning Director: Lubna Khan
Audio: TWOAM

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