Body Shop - Unnatural Beauty - Be more than beautiful - (2014) :80 (Malaysia)

Seen Speak up and Good Girl? Very well, here's the third one in the same campaign, Unnatural Beauty .

"When I grow up, I will be the prettiest girl. I will have longs legs, and a tiny waist.
A closet full of designer clothes, shoes and bags. If I put on weight, I will not eat.
If my boobs aren't big enough, I will get an implant. Just like the celebrities I look up to.
If this sounds wrong to you, stop creating an unnatural image of beauty. Stop telling me that if I'm fat, or dark, or short, I'm not good enough.
Praise me for qualities that matter. Like honesty, courage, and compassion.
They make me, so much more than beautiful."

And with that, I'm giving a little Adland round of applause to the young ladies who did so well as voice-overs, despite being as young as 4 and total newbies in the sound studio. Very well done, girls.

Ad agency: Grey, Kuala Lumpur
ECD: David Sin
Creative Director: Ramanjit Singh Gulati
Creative Director: Andrew Fong
Writers: Ramanjit Singh Gulati, Nadia McDonald, Jessica Wong
Planning Director: Lubna Khan
Audio: TWOAM

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